A break from the incessant rain of the last week thank goodness. The house is no longer filled with dripping coats and I don't have to leave the house looking like M. C. Hammer with my waterproof trousers billowing in the high wind. Trigger has been in a medium weight rug thanks to a shivering incident with a lightweight one which may dry out by June if I'm lucky. The wild ponies look miserable out there when it's so relentless. Betty was agitated yesterday and I can't find her today. Am wondering if there might be a foal in the offing. This little one looks a couple of days old. Amazing how similar its markings are to its mother.
Two peas in a pod
Yesterday I had my first hydrotherapy session in the hope that it will help my back. was worried I would be standing, freezing in a luke warm pool but, as it turned out, it was tropical in there and really amazing. Strange exercises including holding floats under water with one foot whilst trying to balance on the other; very embarrassing when the float pops out and shoots into the air.....silence from my fellow class-mates. I bought my swim suit a week before my accident and, as it turns out, it serves as a perfect frame for the VERY long scar down my spine. I might have gone for something more Edwardian in style had I known what was going to happen. Bit self conscious to start with but I got over it. Nuthatches have fledged so I'm hoping for a second brood being less camera shy.......we'll see.